General conditions of use

We invite you to read the present general conditions of use (“GCU”) carefully before using the website (the “Site”). By accessing the Website, you agree without reservations to be bound by the present GCU and by all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not accept the present conditions, you must refrain from using the Site.

We reserve the right to modify the GCU at any time. Whenever possible, we notify users of any changes made to the GCU by e-mail or via announcements on the Site. Be that as it may, you are invited to consult the GCU regularly, to gain knowledge of any modifications. If you disagree, you can reject the GCU and cease to use the Site.

Site accessibility

You can access the Site free of charge if you have access to the Internet, with the proviso that all costs stemming from access to the Site, of whatever type, remain at your charge.

The Site gives its best results with a latest-generation browser. Use of the following browsers is recommended: Chrome, Safari or Mozilla Firefox. Your experience is more satisfactory on a computer, but the Site can be used on a tablet or a smartphone.

We do our utmost within our power to keep the Site accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. However, we may interrupt access to it, in particular for maintenance and upgrading purposes, or on any other grounds, especially technical grounds.

Intellectual property

The contents posted on the Site are likely to be protected by intellectual property rights. You cannot undertake any form of posting, extraction, integration, modification or reproduction of all or part of the content posted on the Site without our express prior written authorisation.

You can download a copy of the contents (information or software) of the Site temporarily for personal viewing purposes only and not for commercial purposes. This constitutes granting of a licence and not a transfer of ownership. Under that licence, you cannot: (i) Modify or copy the contents (ii) Use the contents for commercial purposes or for any public exhibitions (whether commercial or non-commercial) (iii) Attempt to decompile or retro-engineer any software contained on the Site (iv) Delete any notes concerning copyrights or content property rights (v) Transfer the contents to another person or “distribute” the contents on other sites.

The licence expires automatically if you breach any of these restrictions, and we may also terminate it at any time. After viewing the contents or the licence, you must destroy all downloaded contents in your possession, whether they are in digital or printed format.

Guarantee and responsibility

The material contained on the Site is provided “as it stands”. We do not provide any explicit or implicit guarantee, and hence decline and deny all other guarantees, including, but without being limited thereto, tacit guarantees or conditions as to merchantable quality, adequacy for a particular purpose, or non-infringement on intellectual property or any other infringement on rights. Moreover, we do not guarantee or issue any opinions concerning the accuracy, the probable results or the reliability of use for the contents present on its Site or otherwise linked to those contents or on any other site linked to the Site.

Within the framework of use of the Site, you undertake to comply with the GCU and all applicable regulations. We cannot be held liable for any losses that you or a third party may suffer as a result of your failure to comply with the GCU or any applicable regulations. You are solely responsible for the use you make of the Site and the information it contains. Under no circumstances may we be held liable for any difficulties or for your inability to use the Site, for any malfunctions or unavailability of your computer equipment or the Site, any specific constraints and problems stemming from use of a computer network such as the Internet or securing of data exchanges on any such network.

We reserve the right to modify, move or interrupt all or part of the Site and the information, on a temporary or definitive basis, at any time. We do not provide any guarantee as to the fact that the information on the Site is accurate, free of errors, pertinent, or exhaustive, or that it meets your expectations.

Links to third party sites

Certain functionalities of the Site use tools and services provided by third parties, which may be governed by different general conditions. For example, to use Stripe online payment functionalities, you have to accept that service provider’s general conditions. If third party tools and services are governed by different general conditions, you have to accept them separately if you wish to use the services proposed by those third parties. You use third party hypertext links, tools or services at your own risk; we have no form of control over those sites or the companies that edit them. In particular, under no circumstances can we be held liable for any such hypertext links, products or services proposed by those third party sites, data of any type contained or posted on those sites edited by third parties, processing of personal data carried out by the editors of those sites, the use you make of them or any actions or shortcomings attributable to such third parties.


The parties agree that they can exchange the information necessary for execution of the GCU via digital channels. All digital communications between the parties is presumed to have the same conclusive force as written texts on printed media.

The fact for one of the parties of refraining from availing themselves of a failure by the other party to comply with any one of the obligations set out in the GCU cannot be interpreted as a waiver of the obligation concerned.

If any one of the stipulations set out in the GCU were to be declared null and void or considered as not having been written, the parties will do all in their power to negotiate in good faith in order to agree on the terms of a fresh stipulation that takes the place of the stipulation concerned, while remaining as close as possible to the initial intentions of the parties; the other stipulations remain in force and keep their full obligatory force.

Applicable law

The present GCU are governed by French law, without any consideration as to the provisions covering conflicts of laws.



The website is published and hosted by:

DNP Photo Imaging Europe
Company governed by French law
Registered under number 312.273.550
VAT: FR94 312 273 550

Address of the registered office: 50 avenue Daumesnil, CS41411-75579, PARIS CEDEX 12

Phone number: +33 (0) 1 49 38 65 50